Mindfullness for Kids

23 septembre 2016

Why should kids wait until they get adult to learn what adults believe is essential for them to have a balanced live? Why not start teaching them solutions that they can practice alone or with their peers at school or elsewhere in their young life?

MindfulnessThis is indeed the essence of MentaKids initiative, which starts this month with a full year training programme for children between 4 and 12 years old at the Ecole Sainte Anne in Waterloo on Fridays. This eight-week mindfulness training programme developed by Eline snel offers children the opportunity to learn that thoughts of failure or worrying and negative thoughts are just thoughts. Not facts. They’re there, hang around for a while, and then dissolve again (read more on the mindfulness matters method).

Image of happy little girls looking at camera while enjoying leisure

Later this year, during the Autumn break, another innovative activity is launched and tested: a mindful training for children. Named Mindful Kids 2016, the activity aimed at taking advantage of children’s free time to teach them tools that they will make use of later on in classrooms and elsewhere in their children’s life.Organized around physical and cognitive games, plays, and mindful activities, the stage will provide children with opportunities to discover learning strategies, English as a foreign language, group collaboration and mindful attitudes.




L’enfant, l’adolescent découvre la vie, sa vie… Pourquoi attendre l’âge adulte pour découvrir des outils qui leur faciliteront la vie, que ce soit avec eux-même ou avec les autres? Pourquoi attendre d’éventuelles difficultés scolaires, sociales ou familiales et devoir demander … read more


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