Vision and Values

CREASOL Services’ vision is a world where the human is producing what he needs to live and enjoy life without jeopardizing the ecosystem he depends on, hence respecting every life on the planet and beyond.

With this in mind, The company acts in support of the development of an economy that:

To this end, CREASOL SERVICES missions include:






L’enfant, l’adolescent découvre la vie, sa vie… Pourquoi attendre l’âge adulte pour découvrir des outils qui leur faciliteront la vie, que ce soit avec eux-même ou avec les autres? Pourquoi attendre d’éventuelles difficultés scolaires, sociales ou familiales et devoir demander … read more

Motorcycling Matters

Powered two-wheelers (PTWs) are a popular form of transport providing mobility to millions of people worldwide. However, unlike other forms of motorised transport, PTW users, like bicycle riders, remain more vulnerable due to the intrinsic characteristics of the vehicle. In … read more

Muntu World

L’initiative Muntu World est un projet qui résulte de l’observation, depuis depuis une dizaine d’années, du foisonnement de l’économie créative du continent africain et de la difficulté de ses entrepreneurs-designers à se faire distribuer en Europe, et ce pour de … read more

All our initiatives  


You have a project and you think our expertise can help? You wish to set up one and don’t know where to start? You wish to know more about our services? You have a specific skill set that you would like to bring to our service mix?

Please contact us in English, French or Spanish and we will get back to you shortly.
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